Beautiful is when you can view a "new day" through the lens of what is truly priceless and precious along life's journey.
When you live with that thought daily, it will guide your words, your actions, and will allow you travel with peace. Helping Build Bridges Across started as a hobby, as a moment, as a privilege to just share Celebrating Life, and Exercising Gratitude... This community "Mails Out Gratitude" and we want to celebrate YOU. Share the "date" that means something to you and we will celebrate with You! Hugs, Donyale |
Helping Build Bridges Across, celebrates Life "by choice" and join us, our community in that celebration. We begin that with celebrating "YOU" and what is important to you. Our community "Mails Out Gratitude". Share your "special date" (Birthday, Anniversary, In Memory Of, Challenged by, Victory Over, this "date" for Heart Reasons and for "Just Because"
We mail out cards to "you" or to someone you know, sharing those moments, that mean something to "You". That is community, encouraging, celebrating "each other".
Here at "Helping Build Bridges Across" We Don't wait on special moments We "Create Them"
Beautiful is when you learn that the seeds you plant, always have the potential to grow. Always
We mail out cards to "you" or to someone you know, sharing those moments, that mean something to "You". That is community, encouraging, celebrating "each other".
Here at "Helping Build Bridges Across" We Don't wait on special moments We "Create Them"
Beautiful is when you learn that the seeds you plant, always have the potential to grow. Always