A Chain in Progress
A Chain In Progress
What is Progress? Progress defined as a (noun), is forward or onward movement toward a destination. Consider the words “progress” and how it fits into our daily life. In our lives, “we all” are going forward, and onward, and for this heart, experiencing “destinations” A good analogy for this share is a chain or necklace. The image used in this share represents what I envision, **Including a Visual description An Image of a table with tools and numerous trinkets to create, to put something together. I see all the pieces on the image as moments and decisions throughout our day, and how each piece intertwines with another. The finished piece represents a destination, a temporary platform, or a season because this heart does not believe that we land somewhere and remain. After all, things are always, always changing.
Whatever we are trying to improve in, do better with, or adjust or revise to, in many ways our intent can be that every decision we make, every moment, is Progress, moving us into a new season, offering us a new day.
About creating a chain or a necklace, the intent is to create something beautiful, or an outward expression of what our heart envisions, moving onward, and if that is our focus, that allows us to recognize how valuable a moment, a decision is, not a small thing. Again, it is not a small thing. When we can weigh out, consider, and set our intent for the day before us, for this heart that includes time with God focused on His day, seeking out His Wisdom, being still to listen and to be alert to His steps *repeat, His Steps, forward for my life, when in that zone, that can guide my direction and allow awareness on the path for my journey. In knowing a Loving God, I miss turns, I may show up late or maybe early, but the God I know is a Loving God and God has steps and reroutes to allow this heart to arrive at destination “points” Destination Points like a finished piece, allow us a better view of when the work on that piece is completed and to consider all the “trinkets” decisions that are a part of that finished piece.
The Power of Engagement can be attached to Awareness of what we are thinking, doing, and engaged in with others, whether are we intent, alert, and aware, and what the pieces “trinkets” are, the decisions that are making in the moment.
Time is continuous and engagement is when we take hold of the time that is in Progress. As we navigate forward, be aware, be alert to the “trinkets” the decisions in the moments, and how they potentially intertwine. What Pieces are we intertwining and what will our next finished piece become?!
Wherever this Finds You
Whatever Season We are a Chain in Progress and daily, we are adding Trinkets |
January 2025