Be Alert
You Don't Know What You Don't Know
This Time of Year And Really Any Time Scammers are always on the Prowl And They Prey on Reflexes On Someone Not Being Alert IF YouGoogle ShowsFor Some
The Words "USPS Package" needs to be cleared,
words that allow some to lose judgment on what makes sense or not. Did you order a package? If Yes, then return to the Direct Source. The Text Image (outlined in Red) has some people going to a Link and or Worse, To Reply with a Y which then Activates a Link?! Warning...
My System offered an alert "on my desktop" but even with the option to "Ignore and Proceed"
Which many would do because of the words "USPS Package", if there is a warning it means it has been a successful Text. However, it is so easy to not be on Alert by "focusing" on words that do no matter and or not applicable. Would you have disregarded the Warning? Would have continued to the Connect to the Link entering your information? Sharing is Caring
Thousands of People are Scammed Daily
This ALERT This WARNING Pass Along We want people on Alert to Scammers Don't be a Victim and Pass Along to those You Know
Yvette "Donyale"Sharing is Caring ArchivesCategories |